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Monday, November 21, 2011

Letter to God

Dear God,

Today at school I read about existence of earth, planets and stars, life and death. I had so many questions running on my mind but I couldn’t ask my teacher because I was afraid, that’s why I am writing you this letter to ask all those questions.

Why is that every person, every animal, every tree has to die someday? Why can’t they live forever, what harm will they do if they will live forever? Why do people get old when it’s tough to live after getting old?

I don’t want to get old, I don’t want to die, I don’t want people to die whom I love, who are special for me. God please tell me what should I do to save people from dying. What should I do to prevent them from aging? Tell me anything and I will do it. I know I am being stupid, and that is maybe because I am just 11 years old girl.

Where do people go after dying? Where shall we go to meet them? I never saw my grandma, she was pretty I want to meet her. God where can I find her?

Today my teacher told me that earth will get destroyed after thousands of years. Is that true?  My teacher says whatever is written in the text book.

What will happen if the earth gets destroyed? Will my home also get destroyed? She said that no humans will be alive on earth by that time.

I keep on imagining the empty earth since then. The streets where no one is walking, vacant buildings, no one playing in the parks, no one to watch movies or cartoons, no talking no fighting, no hospitals no injections, there won’t be trees, no birds and animals and no one to observe all this emptiness in the world.

I think it will be so weird then, I love it how earth is now. I don’t want it to be changed. Why is it that everything has to change?  Why have you made the earth like this? God, I am not questioning you but I just need answers.


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